SloMo stories

It’s natural to think fast. Here are stories written by people from different walks of life, sharing a time when they have been thinking fast and how they have managed their worries. 

SloMo female character illustration

I began experiencing worries about harm when I moved to a new area. I felt like everyone was against me, constantly felt attacked, and was fearful of being followed and harassed. This resulted in a deep depression and a feeling of isolation, I didn’t believe anyone would understand, the fear, anger, panic, and hopelessness I felt. Darkness was seeping into every part of my life, then, I got help and learned to slow down my thoughts. Slowing down allowed me to process my emotions and think clearly, calm my mind & body, and regain control. Now I’m living life in colour.

by SloMo LEAP Member

On 2022 I had a surgery that I ended up loosing my thumb by the doctor’s negligence, my mental health got really worse. I starting having strong paranoia. I started therapy with SloMo, which has helped me slow down my thoughts about other people, and start having less paranoia about being harmed. 

by Marisa

SloMo male character illustration

I spent a considerable time living with difficult neighbours in a house converted into three flats near the seaside in East Sussex. Although I never experienced actual harm, I often felt threatened and intimidated. I realised I needed to slow down my thoughts. My own paranoia, persecutory thoughts, and not jumping to conclusions improved.  It helped me knowing about SloMo therapy from working on the study Lived Experience Advisory Panel. On a personal level, I have found the whole process enjoyable and rewarding. I feel my quality of life has improved as a result. 

by SloMo LEAP Member

My experience of psychosis was induced by several traumatic experiences, which finally resulted in me no longer being able to sleep. I did not sleep for three days because I felt I had broken my code of ethics due to an incident at work, where I witnessed abuse and was then gaslighted by the company. I became so unwell so rapidly I was sectioned under the Mental Health Act. My vision became completely locked and I could only communicate to people by staring them directly in the eye.

I have found exercise, a Vegan diet, music, animal therapy, support through the Early Intervention for Psychosis Service, meditation, speaking to people who understand and who I trusted, and the Stoic philosophy have all helped me combat my psychosis and depression. Access to the SloMo app during this time would have been useful as slowing down unhelpful thinking patterns and consequently its reactions is what I have learnt in meditation and this app could have reinforced this understanding.

by Lou